Product Description

Erik Brynjolfsson Booking 

Erik Brynjolfsson booking agency profile Erik Brynjolfsson

FEE RANGE: $100,000

Erik Brynjolfsson Booking Agency Profile

Erik Brynjolfsson is the Director of the MIT Center for Digital Business, the Schussel Professor at the MIT Sloan School and a Director of public and private companies. A leading economist and expert on technology, Erik Brynjolfsson lectures worldwide on business strategy and performance, pricing models and intangible assets and he teaches courses on the Economics of Information at the MIT Sloan School.

Professor Erik Brynjolfsson was among the first researchers to measure the productivity contributions of information technologies, and his research has been recognized with nine Best Paper awards and five patents. Businessweek has profiled Erik Brynjolfsson as one of five “ebusiness visionaries” and a reader’s poll by Optimize ranked him as one of the world’s two most influential academics. Erik Brynjolfsson is the Chairman of MIT Sloan Management Review and editor of the Information System Network. Call SME today for booking Erik Brynjolfsson as a keynote speaker, with us as the Erik Brynjolfsson booking agency. Get a proposal by contacting our Erik Brynjolfsson booking agent.

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    SME Booking Agency

    SME Entertainment booking agency works on your behalf to get the talent you need to make your event as memorable and stunning as possible. You will be paired with a knowledgeable booking agent and who has an extensive, keynote speakers, motivational speakers and more, fill out our simple entertainment request form and a booking agent will assist you as soon as possible. SME is a trusted booking agency for over 15 years with an experienced booking agent dedicated to helping you. Our Erik Brynjolfsson booking agent is ready to bring the talent to your event. Let SME be the booking agency for you!


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