Product Description

Jim Carroll Booking

Jim Carroll booking agency profile Jim Carroll


What Do World Class Innovators Do That Others Don’t Do? When Do We Get to Normal? Why Thinking BIG Will Help You Seize The Opportunities of the 21st Century The Future of Education: Rethinking Opportunity in the Era of Knowledge Velocity Healthcare 2020: The Transformative Trends That Will REALLY Define Our Future Location is the New Intelligence: Customer Interaction in the Era of Pervasive Mobile Moving Beyond the Meltdown: Aligning Yourself for Growth Through Innovation 7 Things You Need to Do Right Now: Aligning The Fast Future to Your Current Strategy Where’s the Growth? Transformative Opportunities for Transformative Times What’s Happening with Our Workforce: Making Generations Work!

Jim Carroll Agency Booking Profile

Jim Carroll is widely recognized for his deep research and analysis of how innovative organizations are achieving market or transformational growth despite deep economic challenges. He is the first external speaker to have ever been invited to open the Annual General Meeting of the PGA – Professional Golf Association of America. For close to 20 years, Jim has been studying the issue of what makes companies relentlessly creative and how they ride critical fast paced trends in order to achieve dramatic market success. Contact a Jim Carroll booking agent to get a proposal. Carroll provides guidance that is timely and unique: how to realign business strategy for fast-paced economic trends and new business realities; a realistic outline of the emerging trends, threats and opportunities that will impact your organization; how to become a more forward thinking organization that can anticipate and manage change, rather than reacting to change; and guidance on how to do things differently in a world that demands constant, relentless innovation. A talented innovation speaker, complete Booking Jim Carroll by contacting a Jim Carroll booking agent to get a proposal. The author of Ready, Set, Done: How to Innovate When Faster is the New Fast,Carroll has been featured in BusinessWeek as one of four leading sources for insight into future trends and innovation, and was a featured expert on the CNBC Series, The Business of Innovation. Call SME today for booking Jim Carroll as a keynote speaker or innovation speaker, with us as the Jim Carroll booking agency.

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    SME Booking Agency

    SME Entertainment booking agency works on your behalf to get the talent you need to make your event as memorable and stunning as possible. You will be paired with a knowledgeable booking agent and who has an extensive, keynote speakers, motivational speakers and more, fill out our simple entertainment request form and a booking agent will assist you as soon as possible. SME is a trusted booking agency for over 15 years with an experienced booking agent dedicated to helping you. Our Jim Carroll booking agent is ready to bring the talent to your event. Let SME be the booking agency for you!


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